Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another step

So...the c bouts from the previous post (the part that looks like the letter c...fyi!)is taking form...on Oct. 2nd...the very first of the ribs (sides) were glued in...those being in the c bouts. And...after having a heck of a time with the glue (...think hides of cows type of glue, blech), it was decided that a little creativity would be required...this glue job took 8 clams, only 6 more than it was supposed to be and it had to find a place to live, on its side...like a nearby shelving unit.

The glue is dry and the c bouts are unclamped...they look kind of like this...so the next step is to carve the rest of the c bout blocks.

The ribs for the rest of the violin

The ribs after a little bending (yes, they start flat and must be bent to fit around the instrument. Solution...heat, a little iron, some leather, water, and a rib...then you stick it on the bending iron (which is a stand up column that gets hot) and bend it to the shape you want. Notice: the blocks are all carved and come to a point, rather than only having one curved edge.

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